Pregnancy Support
Experience a Joyful journey!
You don't have to do this alone!!
Whether you have a committed partner, local family or not, moms may feel lot of pressure and anxiety knowing in the final moments only they can deliver baby into the world. It's a BIG JOB, especially if you've never done it before.
We've all heard that Success= Preparation + Opportunity.
While that may not always be true (the slackers who some how succeed,a hardworker that freezes in the moment) is true that:
You are wonderfully created by God
Your body is designed for this
Preparation builds confidence &confidence aides success.
This program is designed to have someone beside you as you approach giving birth, unlocking your God given potential through Christian/Biblical centered:
Physical support (labor positions/comfortmeasures)
Emotional support
Educational support
This program will focus on helping expecting moms nurture healthy relationships with self, support systems (family & professionals), and their faith.
How does it work?
Schedule a consultation for a 1-on-1 meeting to discuss plan options, details, etc. to ensure the right fit for you! We'll discuss medical & personal history, concerns and goals.